Frühjahr 2013
von Mindeye am 16.04.12 um 14:32
Antwort auf: Crysis 3 von Mindeye

Screenshots hier drin: Die Bilder wecken gute Erinnerungen an Enslaved, überwucherte Stadt ist nicht originell, sollte im Vergleich zu C2 aber mehr Freiräume bieten und hat das Potential, Dschungel (C1) und City (C2) gut zu kombinieren.

"Players take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet."

Verbestellungen ab sofort möglich. (lol)

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