Crosspromotion mit Shroud of the Avatar geplant
von jan am 07.02.15 um 08:06
Antwort auf: Underworld Ascendant von CryingAngel

grad im Portalium-Newsletter gesehen, dass es Bonusitems für Backer beider Games geben soll. Was immer das bedeutet?

Hier zum Text:
"Additionally, we are teaming up with Underworld so that backers of both games can get special in-game items. Here's the description from the Underworld Kickstarter page:

Shroud of the Avatar Special Item

To celebrate our history with the realms of Lord British, we’re teaming up to prepare a special item for backers who also support Shroud of the Avatar. Watch this space to learn more soon.

We'll announce in an upcoming update what the special Underworld/SotA co-backer item will be, so stay tuned!"

< antworten >