Antwort auf den Beitrag "Lone Survivor DC" posten:
>[] > >Halloween, the 31st October, 2013 > >... > >almost without fail, business-minded friends and colleagues, as well as the players themselves, expected i would release the game as a brand new version, requiring the players of the original game to purchase it again, or at the very least to release the update as paid DLC. i gave it a huge amount of thought, and eventually i realised i would rather just give the update away for FREE to all 800,000+ customers, to say thank you for your support… and that’s exactly what i’m going to do! > >yep, you heard it right: Lone Survivor – The Director’s Cut is going to be 100% FREE to anyone who has bought the game so far (even for $0.01 in the Humble Bundle!) > >Nett. > >Auch nett ist, dass der Steam Halloween Sale am 28. starten wird, wurde von einem Spieledev bestätigt.