Why DirectX 12 is a game-changer for PC enthusiasts (und AMD)
von Mindeye am 09.05.15 um 14:03
Antwort auf: Sandy Bridge oder: AMD, mach was! von Mindeye


Interessant vor allem wie viel besser sich AMD CPUs mit DX12 halten.

"In typical DirectX 11 gaming, the Core i5 4690K is one of fastest reasonably priced CPUs on the market and runs rings around similarly priced FX 8350. With DX12, the gap closes significantly and the AMD chip is much more competitive - not bad considering that we're comparing a 2014 Intel processor with an AMD rival that's actually two years older."

"But from a hardware perspective, all the signs are that DX12 is a key component in bringing more competition to the market. The figures on this page strongly suggest that AMD's many-core CPU strategy could finally start to pay off. In combination with this week's announcement that its upcoming Zen architecture is 40 per cent faster, Intel may no longer be the default choice for gamers - we'll just have to see."

Bedeutet umgehrt allerdings auch, dass AMDs DX11 Treiber im Vergleich zu NV noch viel Luft nach oben haben.

"Curiously, the DX12 driver in Windows 10 seems to have DX11 enhancements not found in the current Windows 8.1 driver, resulting in tangible performance boosts to Project Cars when it's run on the new OS."

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