von Mindeye am 15.10.15 um 22:27
Antwort auf: Indie-Games - Heute: Proun ('n bunter Indiearcaderacer) von Mindeye


Wird als das am besten bewertete Spiel auf Steam und Metacritic in 2015 enden und hat gute Chancen auf einige GOTY Awards, wollte es deswegen mal erwähnen. Demo: http://undertale.com/demo.htm


'Undertale is a brilliant game and I want everyone to play it. I worry that people will think it’s so deeply rooted in nostalgia that they’ll need a degree in RPGs to enjoy it, or that it’s a series of quirky in-jokes. It isn’t but I don’t want to tell you precisely what it is – I want you to see for yourself. To that end, I’ve had a big conversation with myself to answer some doubts concerns that those of you who haven’t yet played might be harbouring. There are no spoilers.'

Oh, GS hat auch 'n Filmchen gemacht. http://www.gamestar.de/videos/specials,20/was-istundertale,85516.html

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