Re:Intel mal wieder
von Mindeye am 14.06.18 um 19:15
Antwort auf: Intel mal wieder von Mindeye

"The company has nothing to offer but vapor with critical details omitted. When things or people could question their intended message, things get ‘forgotten’. The 28-core part being real was a convenient omission, as was ‘forgetting’ to mention the extreme overclocking of it. The 8086K sampling scheme slipped the mind because the results were, well, underwhelming when Anandtech got one. Intel 5G not being standards compliant, photoshopped chips, and non-working LTE modems were also a timely mental lapse. Losing in battery life and all other relevant metrics to Qualcomm on the PC front also might suggest early dementia. In short Intel seems to ‘forget’ only things that could potentially contradict their message, and only when doing so would benefit them, a curiously repeated pattern. In light of this, the best thing to do with Intel’s 2018 Computex performance is to forget it."

'internal rot' beschreibt Intel ganz gut, weiß nicht, was bei denen seit zwei, drei Jahren schiefläuft. AMD hat sie offenbar kalt erwischt, was ansich schon bedenklich ist aber das alleine kann es nicht sein.

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